
Locally Owned & Operated. Maine’s Only Curbside Bin Cleaning Service.

207-962-BINS (2467)

About Us

Maine’s Only Curbside Bin Cleaning Service

We’re Mainers too. Wicked Clean Bins is a Maine-based, Mainer-owned, small business curbside trash bin cleaning service. Our state-of-the-art equipment allows us to quickly, safely, and with the environment in mind, clean your bins! Our team will sanitize, disinfect, and deodorize your trash bins with the utmost respect for our local environment while eliminating needless water waste.

We’ve all got trash bins, but we don’t love the smell – especially during hot summers. Our bins carry harmful diseases and bacteria that can live on, in, and around your trash and recycling bins.

Our services generally operate from mid-April to November – depending on the weather. When it’s cold out, bacteria go dormant and odors are blocked. However, in warmer months bacteria come out to play and odors join them!

Hey, Neighbors!

If you’re anything like us, we never cleaned our curbside trash bins — we didn’t even know you were supposed to. Summer after summer, we struggled with stinky, dirty trash bins. We did everything we could think of – a combination of nothing and leaving the lid open during a rain storm.

Alas, we resigned that our bins would smell during the summer months and we would have to deal with it. Well, not anymore, huh?

As life-long Mainers, we understand the importance of supporting our neighbors. We’re committed to keeping your bins clean with you. Your neighbors, your trash collectors, and your bins will thank you! (Okay, your bin probably won’t thank you, they’re not sentient).

At the end of the day, we’re here for our neighbors. We’re never too far away, call us, text us, email us, carrier pigeon (please wait until we’ve figured that one out) – we’re here for you.

Stay Wicked Awesome,

Sam & Thomas

Sam & Thomas

Owners & Chief Bin Cleaners
(& Otis, VP of Joy)

Social Responsibility

Wicked Clean Bins is committed to ethical and socially responsible business practices. We are committed to the sustainability of our employees, community, and state. In addition to using environmentally friendly chemicals and cleaning practices, we commit to the following areas of social responsibility in our business practices:

  • Priority will be given to minority-owned vendors and subcontractors;
  • Employees will be paid a living wage and directly involved in decision-making while being compensated fairly for their efforts;
  • Environmentally friendly equipment, cleaning agents, and business practices will be used whenever practical.

We acknowledge that we are not experts in the responsible needs of our community. We commit to listening to our community with an open heart and mind.

Our business is anti-racist, pro-equality, and queer-owned.

Please contact us to inquire about donations and gift-giving.

Organizations we love and support: